Monday 17 August 2009

Daily Chinese Proverb: Challenge

This proverb comes directly from Mark's China Blog in yesterday's post. It is about uphill struggles and challenges in one's life. Everyday I find new things which re-affirm in my mind that learning Mandarin is truly one of these struggles. But worth every second of it.

nì​liú​ ér​ shàng​
Swimming Upstream

Ultimatley this picture has absolutley nothing to do with the quote, although I did feel that Pandas themselves have an 逆流而上 of their own.

Photo Source:


  1. 逆流而上 kind of emphasizes the challenge and difficulty one has to get rid of since 逆流 means an adverse current. There is another phrase with the same meaning as "swimming upstream" which is 力争上游 (li zheng shang you)emphasizing how one is trying best to swim upstream.



  2. Wanchi, this is interesting, but for some reason I thought that 力争上游 meant more 'to have big ambitions', than the struggle of 'swimming uphill'?

