Thursday 13 August 2009

My First Chinese Written Sentence

This is rather embarressing, and I feel like I have ruined a beautiful language. Whilst on the subject of reviewing my progress thus far. This was my first attempt at Chinese characters. Try and make out what it says. It is a fairly basic sentence. I will put the answer in white font, underneath the photo below of my handywork so you can check it.

Higlight the next few lines to see if you were right or if my writing was legible:

zhè gè nánrén zài kāi chē
The man in the car

Much more practise and I will get close to making them look nice.



  1. Not bad handwriting for a first sentence! I adore the premise of your blog and wish you the best on your endeavors.

    I'm an American-born Chinese who speaks Chinese relatively fluently. If you ever need any help, I'd be glad to give it. Seeing people learn Chinese rather warms my heart, haha

    Writing away about my latest 3 week adventure through China at

  2. Thank you for your offer Takat, I may well take you up on it at some point in the near future!

    Enjoy your trip away!!


  3. Hi Charlie,

    Try Wikipedia in the future. Their info is quite useful for general knowledge:


  4. Sorry...
    I posted ^ at the wrong place.


    I still remember my first Chinese character!!
    It's 人
    Ha ha... Try simple characters like 人、大、天、太、小、水 etc first.
