
Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin Wednesday 17 June 2009 8 comments

Discovering Mandarin is a site set up to bring together people that are interested in learning Mandarin, and to help others like me who are just starting to learn.

I am Charlie: A 21-year old Marketing Student who has set up his own marketing/rebranding company with one of his housemates which also does webdesign and graphics work. I have always been enthralled by Chinese culture and have wanted to learn Mandarin for years. But never had the opportunity until last year when I got a little disillusioned with my university course, and I vowed to myself over the summer I would start to learn Mandarin.

The main aim is to move to China with my girlfriend (who isn't Chinese; though one of her favourite cuisines is Chinese food) after a couple of years, possibly to teach English, or if things go really well, maybe even links to business.

I initially wanted to set this blog up so I could have dialogue with other Mandarin learners to inspire me to learn and stay committed. My housemates, started to learn Japanese as I started to learn Mandarin, and although it's not a race. I want to get fluent as they do, but they have each other to test each other on.

I hope that Discovering Mandarin will be able to document my progression through the language with others, and also start to write about the Chinese culture, and offer some interesting articles giving you further insight into the diverse and mysterious Chinese culture.

I also intend this to be a reference bank full of material that can be used for everyone in the future, and there are thoughts of getting my own hosting and a forum...

If there is anything in the site that isn't here that you think should be; please email me I welcome any feedback or comments and feel free to get in touch.


Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin Monday 15 June 2009 0 comments

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Feel free to get in touch.


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