Chinese Band: Crystal Butterfly (水晶蝶)

Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin Friday, 9 October 2009 8 comments
乐队(band): 水晶蝶 Shui Jing Die Crystal Butterfly国家(country): ChinaCrystal Butterfly (水晶蝶) are a Shanghai based band that have only released one album (Magical Mystery Tour - 2005). They have a name in 'space rock' in Shanghai emulating sounds they hear in U2 and contempory soulful indie rock. Crystal Butterfly recorded material for a second album, entitled Forest of Illusions, named after one the band's first songs 梦幻森林. However, the band's...

Daily Chinese Proverb: Giant Strides

Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin 0 comments
This Chinese proverb comes from the Chinese creation myth about Pan Gu creating the world. It is used to describe something advancing with giant strides.开天辟地kāi tiān pì dìto split heaven and earth apart / Giant StepsThis is a Chinese myth about the creation of the world. In ancient times, the sky and the earth were combined just like an egg. The founder of the world, Pan Gu, lived and grew up in the egg. After 18 thousand years, he began...

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