New Favourite Mandarin Phrase

Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin Saturday, 29 August 2009 6 comments
I keep finding the odd phrase which when said makes me smile. It isn't that it is actually funny, nor that it sounds funny when in English, or that it is one of the funny things you will have seen written down.It is just a nice sounding phrase that makes me smile, much like the previous post where I talked about my favourite sounding phrase, here is another one that similiarly is nice to my ears.我是老师wǒ shì lǎoshīIt means, I am a teacher....

Daily Chinese Proverb: Horse to Water

Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin 3 comments
This proverb is about how an animal, and by implication a person, will only do what it/he wants to do.你可以牵着马去找水,但你不能强迫它去喝nǐ kě yǐ qiān zhe mǎ qù zhǎo shuǐ, dàn nǐ bù néng qiǎng pò tā qù hēYou can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it dr...

Chinese Band: Sodagreen (蘇打綠)

Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin 2 comments
乐队(band): 蘇打綠 (Sūdá lǜ) Sodagreen专辑(album): 春。日光 (chūn. rìguāng) Daylight of Spring国家(country): Taiwan发行时间(release date): March 2008Sodagreen are a six piece band formed around founders Qing-Weng Fu and Shin-Yi Shien when they were both students at Taiwan’s National Chengchi University. They have been playing together since 2001, but first broke into the public eye in 2004 winning the Grand Jury Award of Hohaiyan Gongliau Rock Festival....

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