Daily Chinese Proverb: Listen

Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin Tuesday, 22 September 2009 0 comments
This Chinese proverb is an important idiom, that is used worldwide. Generally meaning that you are listening attentively, it can also be used whe you are eager to listen to what someone has to say. This proverb can also be used as a polite request to speak.The English variation below is certainly used when you are eager to hear something more than this Chinese version which is more about the respect of listening to what others say than...

Pípá (琵琶): Chinese Folk Music Instrument

Posted by Charlie @ Discovering Mandarin 0 comments
琵琶 (pípá) Pipa is a Chinese folk instrument, often called the Chinese lute.The pipa has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets (between 12–26). Although it may be colloquially known as a lute because it looks a bit like one, in fact, the instrument does not have an actual neck. Instead, the soundboard body spans the entire strings to the head of the instrument.Nearly two thousand years old, the pipa is one of the most...

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