The students were part of a 1,000-strong group of visitors to China from across the world learning about the country’s language and culture.
More than 500 Britons were understood to be on the trip organised by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, the Department for Children, Schools and Families, the British Council and Chinese organisation Hanban.
"We are quarantined in the hotel and are all currently well as we have daily temperature checks which are all good," they said in an e-mail sent from their hotel room.
The hotel is really nice and we have proper toilets. We hope we experience more of China as we should be out within four days."One of the boys, Christopher Hicks, said that they had been visiting the Great Wall of China when they were called back, because they had previously shared a bus with a pupil from another school who had tested positive for the virus.
News Source:Guardian
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